A few weeks ago, back when we had some greenery still, I went for a drive and, as I often do, stumbled upon something cool. I had heard that there was a ghost town back where I was headed but I wasn't sure where it was or what its importance is.
Well, I found Grafton and it was pretty cool! I'd read some of its history from its pioneer days but I was surprised to learn that it has been used in several movies including 1929's In Old Arizona—the first talkie filmed outdoors—and the classic Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
Pretty cool, huh? To this day, it looks like it can be used for a Western film. I may even have a cool photoshoot planned ... but more on that when it happens.
In the weeks since my first visit, the surrounding desert has turned from having a lush, green carpet to being, well ... a desert. The colors of this place are unique and different than any other place that I've visited and the shapes and patterns of it are unlike anything that I've seen thus far even within this area. It's a truly unique valley carved and eroded in a way I haven't seen replicated elsewhere.