Blow Flies, Big Red, and Prime Numbers - Episode 3
This episode took me a little longer to produce than the first two. Yes, it was longer and I had lots of other projects going on, but I think some of the reason for the slowness was because of the depth of the material. I just didn’t want to face it sometimes.
Sure, the gore wasn’t a thrill to revisit but it was more the relationship stuff that held me back a bit. Not sure why. The main interest of Karl’s affection, Lost Love, isn’t based on a single woman from my past. She’s more an amagalm of all the good things I’ve had … and all the ways I’ve damaged relationships while I wasn’t aware of the harm that my PTSD had wrought.
Live and learn! Anyways, as always, I have a few ways for you to enjoy each episode of The Stone Harvest. I’ve taken to putting them up on Youtube as I know many folks prefer that medium even for audio stuff. My favorite is Spotify. You’ll see that link, as well as the Youtube one below.
Though I’m partial to Spotify, you can also find the show on iTunes and Google Play
A HUGE thank you to all of you that have been supportive of me during the llloooonnnggg process of getting the book ready and for listening along with the podcast. The numbers have been surprisingly pleasant. I’m popular in Australia for some reason. Odd but awesome!
I’ll keep them coming.
Episode 3 | Chapters 6, 7, and 8
The Stone Harvest is written by Daniel D Baumer and will be released in Summer 2020.
Preorders can be made on Amazon.
Also be sure to check out all the cool shirts and such that I have available.
Music: Crowd Hammer, Despair and Triumph, Plaint, and Symmetry
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Letters to Olga
Coming soon, the next podcast from danscape. Click the trailer to see more