A Visit to Orrick, Mo - Drone Flight Video
Orrick, Mo is 45 minutes outside of Kansas City but that short drive belies the time warp that one is thrown into when visiting.
On my blog and Instagram, you'll be able to see images from the town and surrounding areas. About the drone ... as cool of a toy as it is, I'm finding that it's yet another way for me to see (and show) things differently than they would normally appear. The way that the ice dances on the water isn't something that I could have captured in any other way. Pay special attention at 2:43 to see a flow of ice and water that I've never seen before.
Instagram - https://goo.gl/zqNPue
Print Shop - https://goo.gl/RAVyUQ
Youtube Channel - https://goo.gl/JVHpsf
You can see some of my Orrick images in a previous blog post HERE!