Ft. Osage National Historic Landmark and a Frozen Big Muddy.
Ft Osage and Big Muddy
The day AFTER we visited Ft. Osage, the weather started a pleasant, upwards climb to the 40s. The day OF our visit ... not so much. With temps in the teens and 20s with a rather sharp wind passing through the river basin, we certainly felt that it was Wintertime in the Midwest; a perfect time to visit the outdoors.
“Rose early, examined the Situation and the points of a Small Island which is opposit, found the River could be completely defended and Situation elegant, this Situation I had examined in the year 1804 and was delighted with it and am equally so now, ordered the Boats to be unloaded and tools got ready to work, and fixed on the spot for the fort and other buildings…”
—William Clark, Monday, 5th Sept. 1808
And yes! I managed to get some drone time in.